

Inorganic High Temperature Black Coating

Solar absorption: BOL 0.96, EOL 0.96

Emissivity: BOL 0.8, EOL 0.8

Stable from < −150 °C to > 550 °C

SolarBlack has been extensively tested by ESA and Astrium and is the baseline heatshield coating for ESA’s Solar Orbiter. It will be the first line of defence for the closest man-made object to the Sun. Due to its high emissivity and extremely high solar absorptance, the coating can efficiently absorb incoming solar radiation and re-emit it to the surrounding cold medium of space. It has a unique combination of durability, thermal stability, and electrical conductivity, and contains no volatile organic compounds. 


Inorganic High Temperature White Coating

Solar absorption: BOL 0.17, EOL 0.20

Emissivity: BOL 0.9, EOL 0.9

Stable from < −150 °C to > 550 °C

SolarWhite is ENBIO’s white thermal control coating with minimal absorption. It is currently undergoing qualification for the Solar Orbiter mission. Like SolarBlack, it is inorganic and has the durability and thermal stability that this entails. The coating is applied at room temperature and is suitable for titanium, aluminium, and CFRP substrates. SolarWhite’s absorption and emission values are highly stable; the coating is resistant to contamination, and no out-gassing occurs at high temperature.

Mould Release

Revolutionary mould release solution from ENBIO: Innovative, direct-to-metal, & permanent

ENBIO’s permanent mould release enables enhanced performance, extended capabilities and impressive cost savings. More importantly, it allows our clients to remain competitive in their industry, facilities step-change developments of their own product innovations and unlocks new value and market share.

ENBIO mould release performs best with your toughest rubber, silicone and polymer compounds to provide more uptime and fewer defects. This is achieved through superior coating adhesion, purer release materials for optimal release and reduced fouling. The permanent coating can itself be cleaned for extended use.

For more information for your application, please contact us to discuss your needs.